Lao Script app and font downloads

The fonts and apps listed below and available for download are provided freely and may be used and redistributed for private, commercial or government purposes, but may not be renamed or sold.

The Lao OpenType Unicode fonts included with Lao Script for Windows and Lao Script for Mac (or provided as separate downloads) are distributed under the terms of the SIL Open Font License.

Font details Download files
Saysettha (Version 2)

The widely-used Saysettha OT font has been redrawn and is now available in a wide variety of stroke weights and character widths and also as a 3-axis variable font. See Sample Text for examples and more information.

.ttc TrueType collection of the standard four (Regular, Italic, Bold and Bold Italic) styles, installable in a single package. Recommended for most Windows users. Downloadsaysettha.ttc
.zip Zip archive of 12 separate TrueType fonts from Thin to Black stroke weights, Plain and Italic styles.
.ttf Variable TrueType font, Thin to Black stroke weight, Condensed to Expanded width, 0 to 30 degree slant. Downloadsaysettha_v.ttf
.ttf Variable TrueType 3-axis font as above in compressed (WOFF2) format. Downloadsaysettha_v.woff2
.zip Zip archive of 72 separate plain and italic TrueType fonts in a range of stroke weights and character widths, mainly for desktop publishing use.
.ttf Regular weight, non-italic, single TrueType font. Downloadsaysettha.ttf
.ttf Original Saysettha OT (regular,non-italic) TrueType font. Downloadsaysettha_ot.ttf

A traditional style Lao variable OpenType font with the full Unicode 13 range of Lao characters. See Sample Text for examples and more information.

.ttf Regular width (non-italic) TrueType font. Downloadsengbuhan.ttf
.ttc TrueType collection - Regular, Bold, Italic and Bold Italic font faces installable in a single package. Downloadsengbuhan.ttc
.zip Zip archive of 6 Thin to Black stroke weight font faces in both Plain and Italic styles.
.zip Zip archive of 72 font faces, Thin to Black stroke weight, UltraCondensed to UltraExpanded width, Plain and Italic styles.
variable font Variable font with weight, width and slant variation axes. (TrueType format.) Downloadsengbuhan_v.ttf
variable font Variable font with weight, width and slant variation axes. (Compact WOFF2 format.) Downloadsengbuhan_v.woff2
Saysettha Mai

Another Lao variable OpenType font, with the full Unicode 13 range of Lao characters and straight rather than curved strokes (“schoolbook” style). See Sample Text for examples and more information.

.ttf Regular width (non-italic) TrueType font. Downloadsaysetthamai.ttf
.ttc SaysetthaMai TrueType collection - Regular, Bold, Italic and Bold Italic font faces in one package. Downloadsaysetthamai.ttc
.zip Zip archive of 12 separate plain and italic fonts, Thin to Black stroke weight.
.zip Zip archive of 72 fonts, Thin to Black stroke weight, UltraCondensed to UltraExpanded width, Plain and Italic styles.
variable font Variable TrueType font, Thin to Black weight, Ultra Condensed to Ultra Expanded width, slant angle from 0° to 30°. Downloadsaysetthamai_v.ttf
variable font Variable TrueType font as above, compact WOFF2 format. Downloadsaysetthamai_v.woff2

A Lao OpenType font based on SengBuhan but with some characters slightly simplified as taught in primary schools. For expanded or condensed styles or a variable font with the same glyphs, use SengBuhan and apply Stylistic Set 5. See Sample Text for examples and more information.

.ttf SengPathom Regular TrueType font. Downloadsengpathom.ttf
.ttc SengPathom TrueType collection - Regular, Bold, Italic and Bold Italic font faces in one package. Downloadsengpathom.ttc
.zip Zip file of 12 SengPathom font faces, Plain and Italic, Thin to Black stroke weight.

Another Lao OpenType font based on SengBuhan but more closely following old Lao Buhan writing with characters having loops rather than cusps wherever possible. For expanded or condensed styles or a variable font with the same glyphs, use SengBuhan (Version 1.400 or later) and apply Stylistic Set 6. See Sample Text for examples and more information.

.ttf KhamBuhan Regular TrueType font. Downloadkhambuhan.ttf
.ttc KhamBuhan TrueType collection - Regular, Bold, Italic and Bold Italic font faces in one package. Downloadkhambuhan.ttc
.zip Zip file of 12 KhamBuhan font faces, Plain and Italic, Thin to Black stroke weight.
Older (non-Unicode) and other Lao fonts

Many Unicode and non-Unicode Lao fonts are installed with the LaoScript 8 app, and those fonts and others can be separately provided on request. If a document you are using has a Lao font that you do not have installed, email us using the contact form and we may be able to help.

However, be aware that most non-Unicode Lao fonts were developed for older versions of Windows and often will not be usable on the current version of Windows or other platforms.

App details Download files
LaoScript10 Add-In for Microsoft Word

A new Add-In for checking Lao spelling, wrapping Lao text (if wanted), and converting documents from 8-bit coded Lao. This Add-In does not require any previous LaoScript app or Add-In.

See LaoScript10 Add-In User Guide for more information.

.zip Zip archive with Add-In dictionary and user guide.
Thai to Lao Translation Add-In

A separate Thai to Lao translation Add-In for Microsoft Word (for Windows). It does not use any version of LaoScript (or need it to be installed).

See Thai - Lao Add-In User Guide for more information.

.zip Zip archive with Add-In and word list.
LaoKey 10

Lao keyboard mapping for 32-bit and 64-bit apps on Windows, providing typewriter and phonetic input methods for Lao script languages including Kmhmu and Lao Pali, with optional hidden break insertion. See LaoKey10 User Guide for more information.

.zip LaoKey 10 zip archive.
Lao Sorting Add-In for Microsoft Excel

An Excel Add-In providing fast sorting of Lao words or phrases. See Lao Sorting Add-In for Microsoft Excel for more information.

.zip Lao Sorting Add-In zip archive.
.zip Lao Sorting Add-In Version 2.5. (Much faster and improved!)
Lao Sorting Extension for LibreOffice Calc

An extension to Calc for correctly sorting Lao words or phrases alphabetically on Windows, macOS or Linux.
See Sorting Lao in LibreOffice for more information. (For LibreOffice to load and execute JavaScript, JRE must be installed on Windows, or JDK on macOS. Linux will not usually need any additional components.)

.zip Current version using JavaScript. About 10 times faster than earlier version! Downloadsortlao-1.2.1.oxt
.zip Original version. (Slow, but does not require JDK to be installed.) Downloadsortlao-1.0.2.oxt
LaoScript 8

Keyboard mapping and Add-ins for 32-bit and 64-bit apps on Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10.

.msi Windows installer for LaoScript 8 app. Downloadlaoscript8.msi
Lao Script for Windows, Version 7

Recommended only for 32-bit apps on Windows XP and Windows Vista. Should not be installed or used on Windows 7 or later.

.msi Windows installer for Version 7. Downloadlswin7.msi
Lao Script for Mac

Keyboard mapping and Lao font for use on macOS (10.10 or later).

See About Lao Script for Mac for more information and Installing Lao Script for Mac for detailed installation instructions.

.dmg Apple disk image installer for Lao Script for Mac. Downloadlaoscript.dmg
FontSelector Add-In for Microsoft Word

An Add-In for Word to simplify the selection of font style for fonts with a large number of different weights and widths.

See Font Selector Add-In for installation and use details.

.zip Zip archive with Add-In and documentation.