Conversion of Lao Text from Other Coding Conventions

In Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel documents, selected Lao text that uses older types of fonts can be converted to Unicode using the LaoScript 8 menu entries in the Lao Add-Ins for Word and Excel. Similarly, text in Lao Unicode fonts can be converted to use an "LSWin" coded font (such as Saysettha Lao).

A database of known Lao fonts is maintained by LaoScript 8, defining the font coding convention, the name of the font to use when converting, and a scale factor (since some older fonts used character sizes that were much smaller than normal for the "point" size). For all non-Unicode Lao fonts, the substitute font must be one of the listed Unicode fonts. For all Unicode Lao fonts, the substitute font must be one of the listed "LSWin" coded fonts.

Any document containing a Lao font can be converted to Unicode if the coding convention is known for that font - you do not need to have the font installed.

To convert a document, first identify the Lao fonts it contains, and then check if those fonts are listed in the Lao Font List, which is opened using the Lao fonts button in the User Settings dialog.

If the font is not listed, select the font (if installed), or type its name, then enter the coding convention, substitute fonts and scale factor.

Lao fonts with the following coding conventions can currently be listed and converted:

CodingFont examples
UnicodeSaysettha OT, DokChampa
LSWinSaysettha Lao, Chanthabouli Lao
Lao 95Saysettha 95
Lao 2000Saysettha 2000
Alicealice_0, alice_5
SengChanh USSengChanh US

For more details see: